Traditional Services

A traditional funeral service denotes the physical presence of the body at the service and involves three primary components: a viewing ceremony, the remarks and/or prayers, and then the committal at the cemetery of your choice. While the term ‘traditional’ is used to describe these services, the ceremony that is created for your loved one can be as creative as you desire and will certainly meet your families’ expectations. A funeral service may be held in our chapel, at your church or at another venue of your choosing. Below are our traditional funeral services:

Chapel Services

Wylie Funeral Homes offer onsite chapel services for your loved one. With generous seating and soothing interior, our chapel is designed to offer your family a memorable experience. A chapel service may contain opening prayer and/or remarks by clergy or someone you designate to preside. It may also include special music, a video presentation, readings, poems and/or eulogies.

Church Service

A funeral service can also be held at the church of your choice. Working directly with you, we ensure that all details of this service correspond with your wishes for your loved one. This service is designed to commune church and familial wishes with respect and reverence for the departed and we work to support that process.

Graveside Service

Graveside service is available for families who choose not to have a funeral service at our facilities or at a church. This service consists of family and friends meeting at your loved one’s grave for an intimate, memorable service. Our staff will be on hand to provide consistent care and support throughout the entire graveside service.

Transport Services

There are times when your loved one may wish to go home or come home. We provide transport services for your loved one to reach their destination whether in the US or abroad. We will arrange the necessary transportation, paperwork and documentation to reach your loved ones preferred resting place. Our caring staff will make sure that your family is well aware of all local or international rules and regulations to ensure that proper care of your loved one is a priority and we abide by all local customs and traditions.